Family Support

Having a child with autism and other developmental differences affects the whole family. Our Family Support team collaborates with families to improve both individual and family dynamics.

Our therapeutic supports are delivered by accredited family support specialists and are designed to assist individuals, and very importantly their families, with:

  • Early intervention supports for early childhood

  • Managing behaviours

  • Emotional regulation techniques and strategies (for example anxiety, anger management)

  • Assistance managing the school environment

  • Social skills training

  • Transitioning through different life stages

  • Personal and family counselling

  • Case Management – linking parents and families with agencies and programs that can help in times of need

Family Support can unfold in a variety of ways that are dependent on a client’s age, interests, language level, and who is taking part (for example, with parents or other family members). Our team are trained in a variety of strategies to support engagement, even if there are language or attention challenges. Sessions can take place in-person at Brain Train, or via telehealth.

Brain Train also offers a parent coaching program to assist families to build skills for cultivating mindset, self-care, stress management and managing challenging behaviours, to increase harmony in the home and develop parental confidence to support their child’s growth. Studies show that primary care parents of children with autism experience higher levels of stress and poorer health than parents of neuro-typical children. The parenting stress experienced by parents of a child with autism can be significant and chronic. Families can benefit greatly from family support in order to be optimally available to assist, guide, love and help their child with autism. Moreover, improving the parent’s and family’s wellbeing, enhances the potential of the child in many areas.